Script Blocking & Security Functions

The Web Rules Control Panel tab allows you to block embedded drop-down ads, and other annoying functions.  

This control can also block various script functions that some web sites use to re-size your browser windows and/or "Take Over" your screen.

The Web Rules control also gives you a Web Firewall security function which limits Web controls (such as Active-X) that can be executed on your machine.  This function is increasingly important as more hostile viruses and Trojans are being placed on Web pages.

Note:  You can right-click in the Filter Rules window to select or de-select all entries.  Hovering over an item will display any associated tool-tips.

Each section of Web rules (also called Script Filters) can be expanded or contracted by clicking the little boxes with plus signs; the complete filter rules expanded out would appear as follows:


Filter Rule Descriptions:

Ad Blocking Functions:
Double-click the text: "Ad Blocking: Prohibit these functions" to access the following functions:

  • Prevent embedded drop-down ads: if checked will prevent embedded drop-down type ads currently in Guard-IE's Bad Ad Database.
  • Prevent FastClick "InVue": if checked will prevent this new form of embedded ads.
Security: Block Potential Unsafe Script Functions:
Double-click the text: "Security: Block potentially unsafe Web script functions" to access the following functions:

  • Do not show script error messages:  Selecting this option will prevent those little error popup boxes that occur when you visit a poorly programmed Web site.
  • Prevent Web sites from storing secret data in your bookmarks:
    Selecting this option will prevent web sites from secretly storing information in your bookmarks.  See Secret Data Stored in Your Bookmarks for more information about this new technique.
  • Prevent Web sites from re-setting your home page:  Selecting this option will prevent sites from attempting to reset your home page.
  • Prevent Web sites from retrieving browser capabilities:  This option will prevent Web sites from reading the capabilities of your computer.  See our Testing Guard-IE page for an example of this.
  • Prevent scripts from opening message boxes:  We recommend keeping this option UNCHECKED, as some useful scripts will not function if this option is selected.
  • Prevent scripts from opening, resizing, etc.:  These options will prevent the hijacking of your Web browser.

Web Firewall: Block Potentially Unsafe Web Controls:
Double-click the text: "Web Firewall: Block potentially unsafe Web controls" to access the following functions:

TO ENGAGE the Web Firewall filter, please make sure to CHECK the line "Turn ON Web Firewall, block all unsafe ActiveX controls except..."
Once you have turned ON the Web Firewall, the items you select below (such as Real Player, Sun Java Applets) WILL BE ALLOWED! 

In the above example ALL controls will be allowed except Macromedia Shockwave, Real Player, and the Microsoft File Explorer controls.  If you wish to disallow all Shockwave controls except those coming from a particular site/URL, make sure to check this option and then enter the site you wish to allow in the Script Filter Allow List (see below).
  • Preventing Java Applets will prevent the increasingly common infection from Web-based worms and viruses.  An Allow-list for these controls is implemented below to simplify the allowing of desired Web controls.
Note:  If you check "Prevent download of ActiveX controls, IE will never ask users to install Active-X controls.

Allowing Certain Web Controls (The Script Filter Allow List):

Press the Script Filter Allow List button to open the Allow List.

If you wish to exclude a site from the Web Rules filter (i.e. Allow Web controls from that site), then simply check the URL of that site in the White List.  If the URL or site is not displayed you can click on unused line and enter it manually.

Automatically enable web rules in new browser window
Selecting this option means that these rules will be applied to any new browser window you open.  Remember that you can de-select the Web Rules icon in the Guard-IE toolbar to easily bypass these rules on a particular browser.

Play sound when filter rule has been applied
By selecting this you can associate a specific sound to mark the blocking of selected functions.